Project Announcement – Remote Source Isolation Valve Install – WA

WestWater have successfully won a tender with the Water Corporation for the design and installation of a source isolation valve (SIV) and associated electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and control hardware at the Calingiri Elevated Tank, located approximately 140km north-east of Perth, WA.

To prevent the risk of insufficiently chlorinated water entering the town’s reticulation, a SIV will be installed between the local storage tank and the start of the town’s reticulation to increase the turnover of water within the Elevated Tank.

The SIV will be automatically controlled based on the water level in the Elevated Tank, such that:

  • when the water level is high, the SIV will be closed, and the town’s water supply is solely provided by the Elevated Tank; and
  • when the water level reaches the low limit of the Elevated Tank, the SIV will open, allowing the local storage tank to supply the town and refill the Elevated Tank.

This installation will force the turnover of water within the Elevated Tank, securing the chlorine residuals and reducing the Water Quality risk.

The works WestWater will be undertaking will consist of:

  • Installation of the new SIV and associated equipment.
  • New power supplies to both the SIV site and Elevated Tank compound to accommodate the new instrumentation and control systems.
  • New control system and SCADA upgrades to control the operation of the SIV.
  • New level monitoring system at the Elevated Tank to provide data to the control system.
  • New communication system (radio network) to connect the SIV site and Elevated Tank compound.

All aspects of the works will be completed in accordance with the Contract, relevant design standards, and Australian Standards.

The project is expected to reach Practical Completion by June 2025.