Project Announcement – Denham WTP RO & Filtration Plant Replacement, WA

WestWater have successfully won a tender with the Water Corporation to design, construct, install and commission a replacement RO & Filtration Plant at the Denham WTP on the mid-west coast of Western Australia.

The project will consist of:

  • Inspection of existing assets to determine available space for the WUC, and to identify existing hazards to be rectified.
  • Installation of a new inlet pressure transmitter on feed line prior to filters and RO.
  • Removing CO2 from saline feed.
  • Installation of a Magflo meter, potassium permanganate dose pit, sodium hypochlorite dose pit, and sample & sample return lines.
  • Installation of a new electro-chlorinator, brine tank, and hypochlorite storage tank in existing sodium hypochlorite room.
  • Installation of 2 new DN1400 GRP pressure filters for the removal of iron and manganese.
  • Full automation of the backwash sequence.
  • Installation of new skid mounted RO, to replace existing RO train B.
  • Upgrades to existing pipework.

All aspects of the works to the RO & Filtration Plant will be completed in accordance with the Contract, Water Corporation Standards and Australian Standards.

The project is expected to reach Practical Completion by November 2020.