Frontline Mini
Perfect for smaller, impromptu applications, this skid can be easily put on the back of a Ute and taken to the job site. Simple to use and easy to handle, this is ideal for light duty chemical dosing applications like hyper chlorinating a newly installed main.
Standard Features:
- 60L Chemical storage tank
- 200L Chemical containment bund
- Tinted clear flip lid splash cover
- 1 x 7.5lL/hr digital dose pump
- Foot valve, pressure loading valve, suction hose and fittings
- 50m of braided chemical dose hose and injection quill
Optional Extras Available:
- Increase in dosing pump size
- Dose pump auto start/stop pack with flow switch, control cable and junction box
- Handheld transfer pump for transferring chemicals from carboys to chemical storage tank
- Chemical Spill Kit