WestWater have successfully won a tender with the Water Corporation for the design, construction and installation of two new modular Fluoride Dosing Facilities at Capel WTP and Donnybrook WTP, located in the South West region of Western Australia.
> Capel WTP
The Capel Water Treatment Plant is supplied groundwater from two (2) local bores at the WTP situated on the edge of town. The new fluoride dosing facility will be designed for a maximum treatment plant output flow rate of 3ML/day. It will use NaF powder, delivered in 5kg canisters, which will provide the required fluoride residual in the water.
> Donnybrook WTP
The Donnybrook region is supplied groundwater from four (4) local bore sites with a total of six (6) production bores at the WTP situated on the edge of town. The bores all feed a common main which supplies the reservoir up to a peak flow rate of 3ML/day (35L/s). The new fluoride dosing facility will be designed for a maximum treatment plant output flow rate of 3ML/day. It will use NaF powder, delivered in 5kg canisters, which will provide the required fluoride residual in the water.
The Water Corporation have been directed by the Department of Health to dose fluoride at both Capel and Donnybrook to meet a target fluoride residual rate of 0.80mg/L, with a range of 0.7–0.9mg/L in the town by November 2024.
Each new Fluoride Dosing Facility will be designed to include the following:
- Fit-out of a 10m x 4m Transportable Building, with gas store, chlorination room and control room
- 1,000L Saturator Tank and 1,000L Clear Solution Tank
- Fluoride Dosing Panel with Grundfos DDA dose pumps
- Water Softener Unit
- Fluoride Analyser System
- Plant Control System – PLC, OIP, Fibre Optic Ethernet Switch (FOES)
- Control Cubicle
All aspects of the works will be completed in accordance with the Contract, relevant design standards, and Australian Standards.