Arrowsmith Chlorinator Dosing Relocation

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WestWater recently completed the design and construction works for the relocation of the chlorine dosing point at the Arrowsmith Collector Tank, located approximately 300km north of Perth.

There was no downstream buffer storage on the chlorinator downstream of the Arrowsmith Collector Tank, so in the event of the chlorinator failing, there was potential for undisinfected water to be supplied to town.

The relocation works that WestWater undertook meant that chlorine is now dosed prior the Arrowsmith Collector Tank, which provides a sufficient buffer in case of a potential dosing failure to allow operations to rectify issues and therefore reduce the risk of supply outage to customers.

In addition to this project scope, WestWater also installed a new magflow on the inlet pipework for bore totalisation and hydraulic protection, and to ensure the chlorination system meets Water Corporation and Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) standards.