Project Announcement – Borefield Instrumentation Install – WA

WestWater have successfully won a tender with the Water Corporation for the design, construction and installation of instrumentation cubicles at 11 bore sites within the Twilight borefield located near Esperance, Western Australia.

In recent times, it has been necessary to take several bores offline in the Twilight field due to adverse salinity trends. Conductivity, mS/m readings are around 200 and above which equates to TDS levels above 1,000mg/L. This is an issue of concern to the Water Corporation and the Regulator, namely Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER).

There is an expectation that the borefield is managed appropriately to mitigate long term environmental harm and not to elevate continuity of supply risks. Having online monitoring of salinity trends is a critical tool in being able to manage abstraction in a sustainable manner. The installation of online TDS monitoring is supported by WaterQuality (WQ) Branch, IWCP and is an expectation from DWER.

All aspects of the works will be completed in accordance with the Contract, Water Corporation Standards and Australian Standards.

The project is expected to reach Practical Completion by July 2023.